

PALMISTRY is an interesting study and well worth your while. It has all the charm of exploration and discovery. If you have never observed the hands of your friends when at rest and relaxed, do so at your next opportunity and see how much you can learn of character and temperament from them. Next to the face, the human hand is the most expressive and revealing thing in the world. To begin with, the reader of palms must examine the hands as a whole, that is their size, shape, texture, feel, and position when relaxed. For a right-handed person, the left hand is ‘the hand you are born with’ and thus the one which shows inherited qualities. The right hand is ‘the hand you make,’ or the active hand which shows what you have accomplished. Read the right hand, therefore, and use the left for reference except in the case of left-handed individuals, when the process is reversed.The following simple rules can be understood by any novice, and a little practice will enable you to become quite proficient in detecting the aims and ambitions of your subject.
 Hand Shapes
 Hands fall into four main classes, represented by the classic elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. As convenient as it may be to construct these four classes, in actual practice most hands are a mixture of these types and should be read in relation to the type they most resemble.
 The Earth Hand is a square hand with short fingers, and belongs to the practical person who is generally conventional and methodical, although this can sometimes manifest itself 
 The Air Hand is a square hand with long fingers, and is the hand of the analytical thinker and quick wit. Often the centre of interest, life is never dull when you’re around.
 The Fire Hand is a rectangular hand with short fingers, and belongs to the person who has no trouble saying what’s on their mind. Although sometimes volatile emotionally, the Fire Hand will always live life to its fullest.
 The Water Hand is a rectangular hand with long fingers, and its own is most likely to be artistic, imaginative and inwardly emotional. Such a hand is found in the versatile people who are very creative, but have a tendency to think up more ideas than they actually follow through on.
 Long fingers, if well proportioned indicate an intellectual nature and are found in the thinkers of the world. Long fingers love detail, however, and are sometimes prone to curiosity and worry.  Short fingers are characteristic of doers. They are impulsive in thought and action, good organizers, but cannot be bothered with detail.  Smooth-jointed fingers are characteristic of the analytical and deliberate soul, who seldom does anything without good reason.  The thumb is extremely important as an index of character and calls for special attention. If straight and well shaped, it shows intellect and determination; if supple and easily bent backward, impulsiveness and generosity. These people are broad- minded and liberal, but allow others to impose upon them. Stiff-jointed thumbs belong to those who are less adaptable, more reserved and cautious. They can control themselves, and others too.  Fingers set evenly on a line above the mounts indicate success.  Fingers set wide apart from each other show intelligence and extreme independence of thought and action.  If the fingers have a tendency to curl over the palm, secretiveness is indicated.
 Finger Nails
 The artistic person can often be recognised by his long filbert-shaped nails. Theirs is the gentle nature that craves for beauty. Shorter nails are found in the analytical, critical type, keen and sharp-witted. Square nails show a logical disposition and excessively broad ones a tendency to quarrelsomeness.
The Mounts
 The mounts are the fleshy cushions at the base of the fingers and on each side of the palm. A mount is good when it is evenly developed, well placed and firm to the touch.
 The Mount of Jupiter is at the base of the first finger. Normally developed, it indicates a proper amount of pride and ambition; if overdeveloped, arrogance and vindictiveness; under-developed, idleness, lack of initiative.
 The Mount of Saturn is found below the second finger. Normally developed, it indicates a thoughtful and serious mind; if over-developed, a tendency to morbidity, suspicion and miserliness; under-developed, a trifler.
 The Mount of Apollo is at the base of the third finger. If well-developed, it indicates love of life, gaiety and an appreciation of artistic things. If over developed, however, vanity and a desire for flattery.
 The Mount of Mercury is beneath the little finger. If well-developed, it shows strong mental activity and keen judgment; if under-developed, it suggests not much personality and a lack of humor.
 The Mount of Luna is at the side of the palm opposite thumb, and indicates imagination and creative ability. If large, it indicates the idealistic temperament; if small, the realistic.
 The Mount Of Venus is at the base of the thumb. A normally developed mount is found in the warm-hearted person who loves gaiety and romance. If there are many criss-cross marks upon it, strong attraction for the opposite sex; if it is flat, the subject may be cold and unresponsive.
 Contrary to popular belief, the lines in the hand DO change as life goes on. The life story is written in the palm. In the so-called lucky hand, the lines are clear and untroubled. The “unlucky hand” is just the opposite, with the lines crossed and re- crossed with other tiny lines. In most hands there are indications of periodic good fortune alternating with harassed intervals.
 The Life Line begins between the thumb and first finger and continues around the base of the thumb towards the wrist.
 If long and unbroken and strongly marked, long life and robust health is indicated. If completely broken, there is potential for an accident or illness. The fortunate person who possesses a secondary line parallel to the Life Line is assured of protection against such accidents or illness.When made up of islands, resembling links of a chain, it is a sign of low vitality. Separate islands mean that health may be below par for the duration of the period represented by the island.If forked at the base of the hand, the person will travel a long distance from place of birth.The 
Head Line begins between the thumb and first finger and crosses the hanobliquely.The Practical Head Line is long, straight and clear, and indicates practicalcommon sense, a good memory and a forceful mind.The Imaginative Head Line displays a perceptible downward slant, indicating aimaginative and creative dispositionIf the line is short, it indicates a “let’s get to the point” individual.If the Head Line is forked at the end, it indicates someone who is good at writingIf joined with the Life Line at beginning, slow development.If joined with Heart Line, a constant struggle between inclination and commosense. The Heart line runs across the hand at the base of the mounts.The Physical Heart line is a curving line and is the sign of someone who canexpress their emotions with ease.The Mental Heart line is a straight line and indicates someone who often has difficulty showing their true feelings.A long, clear and medium-colored Heart line is an indication of steady and loyal affection.Breaks in the line indicate serious disappointments in love. Islands represent emotional separation.Fine lines dropping downwards from the Heart line suggest a series of disappointing relationships.
 The Marriage Line lies at the base of the little finger above the Heart line. The nearer it is to the latter, the earlier the marriage. It should lie straight and clear on both hands, for the short lines mean merely short-lived affairs that do not result in marriage. At one time it was said that if the Marriage Line ended in an island, marriage would end in scandal. Multiple Marriage lines can indicate multiple serious relationships, and in some cases may represent divorce and remarriage with same partner. 
 Children Lines are perpendicular and are found at the base of the little finger towards the edge of the hand, and above the marriage lineStraight and strong lines indicate boysFiner, slightly sloped lines indicate girlsIf long and running up toward little finger, the child will have a successful career.  
The Fate Line is the center line mounting from the base of the hand up toward the second fingerIf straight and unbroken, a steady march to success is indicatedIf broken, there will be setbacksIf unbroken, a safe career that is free from violent change is suggestedIf broken, with a gap between the two ends, some time will elapse between thend of one occupation and the beginning of another. Islands in the Fate Line indicate periods of difficulty and anxiety. Their duration is shown by the length of the island. If the Fate Line ends with a clear cross, a career ending in danger is suggested. If there is no Fate Line, the individual will place other priorities ahead of their career.
 The Line of Success runs from the base of the third finger towards the wrist and is a very fortunate one to possess. When coming out of the Fate Line itself, it accentuates any success promised by that line. 
 Travel lines are found low down on the side of the hand near the commencement of the Fate Line.
 The Bracelets, at the wrist, show vitality and personal magnetism. If clearly defined and unbroken, good health and happiness is indicated. At one time, a curve in the first bracelet was said to be a sign of difficulty relating to fertility, but I can tell you from experience that this is not entirely accurate.  Small lines from the bracelet to the Mount of Luna, travel in foreign countries.
हथेली के ये शुभ-अशुभ संकेत बदल सकते हैं आपकी किस्मत हाथों में स्थित मुख्य चिन्ह | 
Symbols or Signs on the Palm of Your Hand

हस्त रेखा में हर छोटी-बड़ी रेखा और सभी प्रकार के चिन्ह अपनी एक विशेषता रखते हैं. यह चिन्ह हाथ में जिस जगह स्थित होते हैं वहाँ से संबंधित अच्छे अथवा बुरे फलों की प्राप्ति व्यक्ति विशेष को होती है. हाथों में स्थित यह चिन्ह विभिन्न प्रकार के होते हैं जो निम्नलिखित हैं
त्रिकोण | Triangle

हाथ में मौजूद त्रिकोण का चिन्ह व्यक्ति की किसी विशेष योग्यता को दिखाता है. जिस व्यक्ति के हाथ में त्रिकोण का चिन्ह होता है उस व्यक्ति में कोई ना कोई एक विशेष योग्यता अवश्य होती है. जब यह त्रिकोण हाथ में बनता है तब उस समय व्यक्ति को यश, मान, वृद्धि और आगे बढ़ने के अवसर मिलते हैं. यह सब किस क्षेत्र में मिलेगा यह इस चिन्ह पर निर्भर करता है कि यह कहाँ स्थित है. यह जिस क्षेत्र पर स्थित होगा वही से संबंधित लाभ व्यक्ति को मिलने की संभावना बनती है. माना यह भाग्य रेखा पर स्थित है तब इसका अर्थ है कि व्यक्ति का भाग्यशाली समय आरंभ होने वाला है. 
त्रिशूल | Trident

यदि किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के हाथ में त्रिशूल का चिन्ह है तब यह उस व्यक्ति को आने वाले बुरे समय से बचने का काम करता है. उसकी रक्षा करता है. माना यह भाग्य रेखा के पास है तब यह व्यक्ति के भाग्य में कोई बट्टा ना लगे उससे बचाता है. भाग्य की हानि नहीं होने देता है. जिस व्यक्ति के हाथ में यह चिन्ह होता है उस व्यक्ति के अंदर दूसरों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करने की चुंबकीय विशेषता होती है. माना यह किसी व्यक्ति के बुध पर्वत पर है तब उस व्यक्ति में गजब की संचार क्षमता हो सकती है. 
सितारा | Star

यदि किसी व्यक्ति विशेष के हाथ में सितारे का चिन्ह उदय होता है तब उसमें अत्यधिक अदभुत प्रतिभा का विकास होता है. यह प्रतिभा किस क्षेत्र में उभरकर आती है यह व्यक्ति के हाथ पर निर्भर करता है अर्थात यदि यह चिन्ह गुरु पर्वत पर उभरता है तब व्यक्ति धर्म संबंधित क्षेत्र में सफलता अर्जित कर सकता है. 
हीरा अथवा डायमंड | Diamond

यदि हाथ में हीरे जैसा चिन्ह है तब व्यक्ति नई – नई बातों को खोजने में रुचि रखता है. कुछ ना कुछ नए विषय की जानकारी में लगा रहता है. जिस व्यक्ति के हाथ में यह चिन्ह होता है उसमें हर काम को करने की अदभुत क्षमता भी मौजूद होती है. यह व्यक्ति को जीवन में सफलताएँ प्रदान कराने में मदद करता है. 
क्रेसेन्ट | Crescent

यह चिन्ह जिस भी व्यक्ति विशेष के हाथ में होता है उसमें सहज ज्ञान की क्षमता होती है अर्थात वह अपने अंदर की आवाज को सुनकर होने वाली घटनाओं के विषय में संकेत दे सकता है. हाथ में जिस क्षेत्र में यह चिन्ह उभरता है उस क्षेत्र में व्यक्ति अपनी अन्तर्दृष्टि से भविष्यवाणी करने की क्षमता रख सकता हैवर्ग | Varga
व्यक्ति के हाथ में जहाँ यह निशान बना होता है उससे संबंधित मुश्किल समय से बाहर निकलने में यह मदद करता है. यह व्यक्ति की रक्षा करता है, चाहे वह आध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र हो या भौतिक क्षेत्र हो, हर क्षेत्र में यह चिन्ह सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है.ग्रिल | Grill
इस चिन्ह को अच्छा नहीं माना गया है क्योकि यह व्यक्ति को मानसिक परेशानी प्रदान करता है. व्यक्ति तनाव से घिरा रहता है. अत्यधिक संवेदनशील होता है. अत्यधिक क्रोध भी उसे आ सकता है.मिस्टिक क्रॉस | Mystic Cross
जिस भी व्यक्ति के हाथ में यह चिन्ह होता है, वह अत्यधिक आध्यात्म की ओर झुका होता है. उसे अध्यात्म में बहुत गहरा विश्वास और रुचि रहती है. ऎसे व्यक्ति अलौकिक शक्तियों को जानने की क्षमता रखते हैं. इनके भीतर अत्यधिक गहरा प्रभाव इन शक्तियो का रहता है. यह इन शक्तियो के माध्यम से मानव कल्याण के लिए काम करते हैं.मछली का चिन्ह | Fishयह चिन्ह को शुभ माना गया है और इसे अध्यात्म व धार्मिकता के साथ भी जोड़ा गया है. व्यक्ति के हाथ में जहाँ भी यह चिन्ह पाया जाता है उसी क्षेत्र से संबंधित विषयों को लेकर व्यक्ति आशावादी रहता है और लोगो की प्रेरणा का स्तोत्र बनता है. व्यक्ति की अंतर्दृष्टि का विकास होता है.क्रॉस | Crossजिन व्यक्तियो के हाथ में क्रॉस का निशान होता है उनमें चुनौतोयों को स्वीकारने की अदभुत क्षमता होती है. हथेली में जहाँ भी यह चिन्ह होता है वहाँ से संबंधित चुनौतियों का सामना व्यक्ति को करना पड़ता है और वह उन्हें पार करने में सफल भी रहता है.तितली | Butterfly- इस चिन्ह को शुभ माना गया है इसलिए जिस भी व्यक्ति के हाथ में यह बनता है वह एक अच्छी टीम बनाने की क्षमता रखता है ताकि उसे जीवन में सफलता मिल सके.

Ancient palmistry

Palmistry is a practice common to many different places on the Eurasian landmass; it has been practised in the cultures of India, Tibet, China, Persia, Sumeria, ancient Israel and Babylonia.
The acupuncturist Yoshiaki Omura describes its roots in Hindu astrology (known in Sanskrit as jyotish), Chinese Yijing (I Ching), and Roma (Gypsy) fortune tellers. Several thousand years ago, the Hindu sage Valmiki is thought to have written a book comprising 567 stanzas, the title of which translates in English as The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry. From India, the art of palmistry spread to China, TibetEgyptPersia and to other countries in Europe.From India, palmistry progressed to Greece where Anaxagoras practiced it.Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.) discovered a treatise on the subject of palmistry on an altar of Hermes, which he then presented to Alexander the Great (356–323 B.C.E.), who took great interest in examining the character of his officers by analyzing the lines on their hands.

Straight line
During the Middle Ages the art of palmistry was actively suppressed by the Catholic Church as pagan superstition. In Renaissance magic, palmistry (known as "chiromancy") was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts," along with necromancygeomancyaeromancypyromancyhydromancy, and spatulamancy (scapulimancy).

Modern palmistry

Cheiro, an influential exponent of palmistry in the late 19th century.
Palmistry experienced a revival in the modern era starting with Captain Casimir Stanislas D'Arpentigny's publication La Chirognomie in 1839.
The Chirological Society of Great Britain was founded in London by Katharine St. Hill in 1889 with the stated aim to advance and systematise the art of palmistry and to prevent charlatans from abusing the art.[10] Edgar de Valcourt-Vermont (Comte de St Germain) founded the American Chirological Society in 1897.
A pivotal figure in the modern palmistry movement was the Irish William John Warner, known by his sobriquetCheiro. After studying under gurus in India, he set up a palmistry practice in London and enjoyed a wide following of famous clients from around the world, including famous celebrities like Mark TwainW. T. SteadSarah BernhardtMata HariOscar WildeGrover ClevelandThomas Edison, the Prince of WalesGeneral KitchenerWilliam Ewart Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. So popular was Cheiro as a "society palmist" that even those who were not believers in the occult had their hands read by him. The skeptical Mark Twain wrote in Cheiro's visitor's book that he had "…exposed my character to me with humiliating accuracy."
Two fate lines

Edward Heron-Allen, an English polymath, published various works including the 1883 book, Palmistry – A Manual of Cheirosophy, which is still in print.There were attempts at formulating some sort of scientific basis for the art, most notably in the 1900 publication "The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading" by William G. Benham.

Astrologer :  Expert in Tantra Mantra Yantra Gyan....

Pujyapad Sadgurude Nikhileshwaranandji (Dr.Narayan Dutta Shrimali) 
He is a world famous astrologer & spiritual guide who spend 30 yrs in Himalaya and collect the knowledge of spiritual science & technology under divine blessing of many guru's and siddha. 
I feel very lucky person who are working under divine blessing of My Sadgurudeo Pujyapad swami Nikhileshwaranandji....
What I am here is a mercy of my sadgurudeo..

Feel free to consult us for palm reading by email
Consultant Astrologer  
Dr. Suhas Rokde. MCM. Ph.D.(Astro.Sci.)

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