Yagya Science



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Yagya is a consciousness based method originated form India. By means of the yagya performances the specially trained vedic pandits enhance the positive effects of life for a certain of people or for a group of peoples, and release or dissolve the negative effects.
Veda means knowledge, vedic means relate with veda, viz. relate with the truth concerning the true nature of life. If a person realize the true nature of life, can function perfectly according to natural laws. In this way all the aspects of life will be spontaneously harmonious. Vedic pandits means, people who live according to the rules of the vedic tradition.
With the yagya performances achieved by vedic pandits everybody can create harmony in all the aspects of his(her) life. Harmony in the individual life is the base of the harmony of a nation. The main aspects of life are: spiritual, mental and physical. We divided these aspects to many subdivisions like work and business, property and money, love and relations, education, members of the family, etc... to be easier to chose out the required service.

You can chose amongst “A”, “B” or “C” yagya categories. The deferences amongst “A”, “B” and “C” categories are in numbers of repeating Mantras. There are many types of Vedic Mantras, some are small some are long. A pandit can chant a mantra in about 5-6 minutes. If a pandit sit for 6 hrs then he will chant near about 6480 times, speed can vary depending on pandits. The counting of above mantra is applicable mostly for planetary and Maha mritunjay yagya. For example in the case of a Surya planetary yagya 7000+10% more Vedic mantra recommended. If pandit chants full it is a “A” category. If we reduce mantras and chant 65% it will be a “B” category yagya. “B” category means medium budget yagya and “C” category means low budget yagya, so their effects will be less than “A” category. We add pandits according to type and categories of yagyas, usually we add minimum 5-7 pandits.
Yagya duration can be one day or more days, week, month etc. It depends on yagya intention, wish and yagya category (quantities of Vedic Mantra). Pt. Umesh decides duration and suggested yagya category after examine one’s Jyotish chart.
Image result for yagya
The effect of a yagya varies from person to person it depends on their Karma and planetary dasha effects (especially in remedial case). If the person's Karma and Planetary influences will be good then yagya works for a long time. If the person's Karma goes wrong way or planetary period comes adverse then you need to repeat yagya time by time. That's why we prefer suggesting planetary yagyas first.
The effects of a strong yagya lasts maximum one year. In Kaluga our Karma is not so pure therefore the effects of yagyas are no longer, so we need repeated yagyas every year. Also if our adverse planetary period starts during the year then our earlier performed yagya’s effect will reduce. So we recommend yagyas at the change of planet dasha and transits. Important factors for getting long term yagya effects:
  1. Yagyas performed adeptly under due disciplines are more significant.
  2. Your faith is very important
  3. Follow yagya rules during the yagya
  4. Selection of powerful yagya (“A” “B” “C”, category)
  5. Selection of good muhurta to start yagya
Choosing right yagya for right wish/purpose


Muhurta means perfect time. If the required action is done on the most perfect date or in the best time, than it can be carried out without obstacles. It is good to ask auspicious timings for the most determining events of our life, for example:
-  wedding
-  moving to new house
-  starting constructions
-  starting new business
-  buying vehicle
-  changing job
-  starting ventures
-  starting new investments
-  starting education
-  long journeys
-  surgeries
-  naming ceremonies
-  etc...
For determining the muhurta we need from you the data's of the required event, and the planned period, date, or time. We will check the perfect time for you within the required period or at the required date, and send you all of them. If there is no favourable time within the required period or on the required day, than we will send you the closest ones. Any obstacles can be removed by Yagyas.
Yagya rules:
You can get the maximum effect of the yagya if you keep the yagya rules.
- Meditation: yagyas work on the finest level of creation, diverting your mind to the subtlest levels of creation with meditation helps your nervous system to become subtle also.
- Rest: during the yagya performances you can feel extra tiredness, which is due to the releasing of the stresses from our organism. Tiredness is one of the most popular stresses in the nervous system. Take rest.
- Vegetarian meals: if you start to eat vegetarian meals few days before the yagya performance, your organism doesn't need to consume as much energy as in  the case of hardly digestible meats.
- Avoiding watching television and listening to radio: in our present days the programmes in television and radio keep the mind busy with low frequency information, which effects are opposite with the effects of the yagyas which raise your consciousness level.
- If you can solve have some days off at your workplace to have rest and to avoid stresses.
- Reading Vedic Literature, which leads your mind to subtle level.
- Listening to Gandharva Veda musics which harmonise the individual with natural laws, and listening to Vedic Recitations.
- Avoid life situations full of stresses, aggressive films, things which strain the body and mind.
- Try to hold in your sexual life.
- Avoid frequently travelling during yagya
- Don't drink alcohol, don't use drugs.

Feel free to consult us..
Astrologer & Yagya Purohit
Dr.Suhas R.
MCM, Ph.D.(Astro.Sci.)

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